Power Food

Do you ever contemplate who you are and what your destiny is? Do you know what kind of person you are inside and what you imagine you could be? Do you wonder if you could be wealthy and living with everything you need and want? Well, I do! It is called meditating and connecting with your inner self. Yes, it is safe to talk to yourself or you can call it “meditation.” It means you are realizing who you really are and what you want to accomplish. Asking yourself questions like these or any that you can think of, allows your mind to create connections with nature and harness the power of the universe. This may sound supernatural, but it will work if you just meditate. Your words don’t have to be loud, but you can use your inside voice. You’re probably wondering how this relates to food.

When you start realizing who you are within you will start planning to get there. One of the first things you need to get there is power! You need a powerful mind, body, and spirit or a powerful self to accomplish a stellar life that you become content, happy, and you have the ability to overcome life’s challenges. You need to have resilience, energy, and the right attitude to attract wonderful relationships, lifestyle, and anything you want. The power of healthy, nutritious food is the most important thing you need to start. Why? Because food is our basic source of energy that makes us who we are. Food is not just for us to enjoy; it is a way for us to connect with ourselves and others. Consider that even if you starve yourself, your body will eat away at itself; it will eat to survive. So why not do more than survive on food? Why not eat food that is nutritious, filled with cells that are alive and energized, and communicate; just like cells in your body?

Here is a recipe to start for breakfast, on the go, or dessert.

Power Granola Bars                                   20-30 bars

1 cup Panella, or raw sugar

1 cup water

Boil until sugar is dissolved. Then,

mix in a separate bowl,

4 cups whole oats

1 cup dry roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds

2 cups dates, chopped

1  cup whole wheat flower

1 cup coconut

1 cup frozen or fresh cranberries

2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup honey

Add sugar/water mixture and mix well. Press into greased sheet pan to about 1/2 to 1 inch thick. Press firmly and bake  @ 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.